The consortium aims to develop the follwing 14 new modules in English covering selected healthcare areas, intercultural issues, communication and professional development. The thematic areas include:
Dental Care
Mental Health, Psychiatric Care
Emergency Medicine
Social Care
Palliative Care
Effective Patient Communication
Care for the Elderly
Family Medicine
Dietetics and Nutrition
Preparing for a Scientific Conference
There will also be 10 modules in German including 7 on general healthcare topics and 3 on intercultural competence. These will cover:
Healthcare System and recognistion of qualification in Germany
Anamnese Talk
Natural Medicine
Home care taking equipment
Care for the elderly
… and other topics
The modules will be available as:
• Online platform in LMS Moodle;
• A mobile app for Android;
• PDF files for download;
• Print-ready book/e-book.