
HELP2 won the 2022 European Language Label!

The HELP2 project won the 2022 European Language Label! It is awarded by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (the Czech National Agency for Erasmus+ programme) and the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. We succeeded in a two-round competition among other projects and were awarded in November 2022. The project results were appreciated for their innovative approach and improvement in language teaching. The award will help highlight the success and serves as a confirmation of the high quality contents.

Link to the DZS website and photos is here (in Czech only, sorry).

Final conference from Olomouc, CZ

The final conference had to take place online, because travel and large meetings were limited due to covid restrictions. We met on September 24 in Zoom – a total of 85 participants at one time were connected. The programme included presentations by each partner which summarized the HELP2 experience and challenges we faced during project lifetime, but also highlighted the necessity of the project outcomes. We were honoured to invite prof. (FH) Mag. Desireé Verdonk, Ph.D. from FH Wiener Neustadt as a guest speaker, who provided an external evaluation of the project. She praised the extent of the project materials and appreciated the online/offline form of the modules, which proved to be invaluable for students and teachers during the pandemic. We were happy to present the results of our work and also little sad that the years of fruitful and inspiring cooperation are over. Perhaps next year again with HELP3 and new modules?

Fourth online meeting from Varna, BG

Due to the restrictions in travel, we were not able to meet in person in Varna. For this reason, we met for a two-day online conference. The agenda included management issues connected with covid restrictions and delays in production of materials. An assessment of progress was made by QM, budget shifts were discussed. A plan was agreed to speed up the process and catch up with delays. A plan for the piloting section was prepared, as well as dissemination options for the situation affected by the pandemic.

Third meeting in Coimbra, PT

On 27-28 February, the HELP2 team met for the third transnational meeting. This time in Coimbra, Portugal. We used the wonderful hospitality of the Faculty of Medicine to discuss pressing issues and plans for future steps. The main concern of the meeting was to prepare materials and modules for the piloting phase, as we need quality feedback from students and teachers to launch tried-and-tested results. Issues regarding Moodle functionalities and platform development were also a topic — there has been a great leap forward from the Moodle version used in the previous project. We want to deliver an appealing and modern tool for learning languages and intercultural skills so taking the advantage of the current technology is a must. The meeting received some attention from the local authorities and press (page 8) as well. The corona-virus situation may delay the piloting phase, but the commitment of the team ensures the results will be useful and of high quality.

Second meeting in Targu Mures, RO

The second transnational meeting took place at the wonderful university of Targu Mures, Romania, on 11-12 June 2019. The two-day agenda was opened with a positive evaluation by Pro-Kompetenz from Germany. The team went on to discuss the module development plans: the Polish partner presented the module style guide and the general didactic approach, the Czech and Slovak partners summarized the dissemination plans and strategies and a detailed workflow, and the Portuguese partner introduced the piloting plans. Great emphasis was laid on the development of the Moodle learning platform under the Bulgarian team from Varna. We also signed the IPR contract and mainly the sustainability agreement which gives HELP2 at least 12 years of life in the virtual space. We enjoyed the great hospitality and the green campus of Targu Mures University and set off to bring you the best possible results!


Kick-off meeting in Klaipeda, LT

The project team met for a kick-off meeting in Klaipeda, Lithuania, from 11-10 December 2018. The event started with a conference entitled: Foreign Language and Intercultural Competence: A Challenge in Healthcare Education and Practice, held at the Klaipeda University. Speakers emphasised the need for a good-quality language education for the healthcare and shared their experience from academia and practice. The programme offered an opportunity to present the outputs of the previous HELP project and the goals of HELP2, with testimonials from Erasmus+ student mobility as well as the possibility to integrate the HELP learning programme into curricula. You can have a look at the programme here. A video report for a local TV from the conference:

Over the follwing days, the aims for the upcoming period were set and the team is eager to start developing the new thematic modules. New features of the Moodle platform were presented and they promise a substantial improvement in the design of the modules and interactive exercises.

We will be happy to show more as soon as the first modules are out!