Authors: Anișoara Pop, Adrian Năznean
George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș
- Teacher: Adrian Naznean
- Teacher: Anisoara Pop
This module will introduce healthcare professionals and students to different linguistic and communication aspects of mental health nursing-related situations, faced when dealing with challenging behaviour and the prevention of mental disorders.
Authors: Dr. Aelita Skarbalienė, Žaneta Čėsnienė, Dr. Egidijus Skarbalius
- Teacher: Aelita Skarbaliene
This module covers the topic of midwifery, with the emphasis on communication with pregnant women. The aim of the module is to provide students and healthcare professionals with essential language that may encourage them to communicate with their patients freely and confidently in English and motivate them to further study. The chosen topics represent the principal aspects and concerns of pregnancy, and they are designed to reflect the process of pregnancy, birth, and care for the new-born
Authors: Hana Sobotková, Lukáš Merz
Palacký University Olomouc
- Teacher: Lukas Merz
The presented
module focuses on palliative care, which has become an increasingly important
part of healthcare services. The module should help you understand that
palliative care is not limited to the elderly or the dying, but rather that it
is an integral part of comprehensive care provided to patients at any age and any
stage of their illness. Essentially, it involves several different
specializations and it can be provided at various settings. The module gives
you a hint as to all the different aspects that need to be considered when
meeting physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs and should equip
you with useful vocabulary and communication skills.
Author: Lukas Merz
Palacký University Olomouc
- Teacher: Lukas Merz
The purpose of this module is to shed light on the specific aspects of paediatric nursing care when compared to adult care. In the following pages, key differences in medical knowledge, disease ocurrance, communication techniques and ethical reasoning will be tackled by the student.
Authors: Terézia Krčméryová, Zuzana Kafková
- Teacher: Zuzana Kafkova
- Teacher: Terezia Krcmeryova
- Teacher: Lukas Merz
Communication and social skills are becoming increasingly valuable in the 21st century. It is argued that the advantages of effective communication cannot be emphasized enough, and it must be noted that excellent communication is expected by patients. In addition, it has been indicated that features of healthcare professional-patient communication can predict better health outcomes. Thus, this module aims to explain the pathways how communication may help patients to recover faster. The module covers the topics of effective communication that are essential for any healthcare specialist: speaking, active listening, giving feedback, and emotional interaction in the conversation. Each part includes a variety of tasks to be accomplished to achieve the intended objectives of the module. In addition, you will find many tips for improving your communication skills.
Authors: Dr. Aelita Skarbalienė, Žaneta Čėsnienė, Dr. Egidijus Skarbalius
- Teacher: Lina Gedrime
- Teacher: Aelita Skarbaliene
This module is directed primarily toward physiotherapy students and practising physiotherapists, but also to other healthcare specialists and caretakers. Particular sections discuss the basic role of physiotherapy (PT), types of physiotherapeutic treatment methods, as well as PT equipment and accessories. The learner will study how to perform a successful physiotherapy evaluation and examination using mnemonic techniques, together with filling in patient documentation and planning an efficient treatment plan. A handful of practical words and phrases will help the learners develop their professional language skills, both for oral and written communication, whereas a variety of listening and multimedia tasks will promote familiarisation with hospital and other healthcare environments. Practical physiotherapeutic knowledge is processed further on during analyses of patients’ cases which refer to the most common skeletal, muscular and neurological disorders and pathologies. A comprehensive analysis of this module is recommended after the study of project HELP Module 3 “Physical Examination”.
Author: Justyna Kowalczys
Stowarzyszenie Angielski w Medycynie (Association for Medical English)
- Teacher: Justyna Kowalczys
This module is directed primarily toward medical rescue students and practising paramedics, but also to other healthcare specialists and caregivers. Subsequent sections of the module briefly cover early recognition for help, emergency calls, the role of an emergency medical dispatcher, the procedure for placing the patient in a recovery position, and Basic Life Support (BLS) standards. The learner will also study SAMPLE and ABC mnemonics to facilitate patient assessment techniques, together with filling in patient documentation. A handful of recorded practical words and phrases will help learners develop their professional language skills, both for oral and written communication; whereas a variety of visuals, listening, and multimedia tasks will promote familiarisation with emergency services and associated healthcare environments. A comprehensive analysis of emergency medicine is recommended together with the study of project HELP Module 10 “Wounds and Injuries”.
Author: Justyna Kowalczys
Stowarzyszenie Angielski w Medycynie (Association for Medical English)
- Teacher: Justyna Kowalczys
In this module, we will accompany social workers to learn about their important job within the multidisciplinary healthcare team in hospital. Social workers are in charge of ensuring the smooth transition of the patient back to their home setting. Care must never stop after leaving hospital, because every discharged patient is at risk – for both low treatment compliance, as well as social isolation due to their illness.
We will learn about different tools that can be applied and rules that have to be followed, such as creating a discharge plan, or figuring out which follow-up care measures have to be planned, and which other professionals must be included. The plan may include a dietician, a physio, a mental health team, an occupational therapist (OT), a speech and language therapist, etc. It is also crucial to meet with family members in order to discuss, develop in common, and to agree about further care.
Authors: Terézia Krčméryová, Zuzana Kafková
- Teacher: Zuzana Kafkova
- Teacher: Terezia Krcmeryova
- Teacher: Lukas Merz
Older people are significant users of health services and, in the coming years, a growing number of elderly citizens will need access to health and community care services. Older people in hospitals often have a number of different diagnoses and consequently have multiple and complex needs. Health care professionals need to ensure that they have specific knowledge about the care requirements of older people as well as the right tools and skills to appropriately manage elderly care. Therefore, becoming more responsive and supportive to the special needs and requirements of the elderly may be both challenging and rewarding.
Author: Ilina Doykova
- Teacher: Ilina Doykova
Family doctors, also called general practitioners, are personal doctors, primarily responsible for the provision of comprehensive and continuing care to every individual seeking medical care. They are able to identify traumatological, surgical or other pathologies and to provide first aid assistance to their patients. They care for individuals in the context of their family, their community and culture, therefore the focus is on providing medical services and counselling to the children as well as to the adults and the elderly representatives, as well as being aware of their habits and lifestyle in order to carry out all preventive measures for improving the health of the patient in a timely manner. Family physicians exercise their professional role by promoting health, preventing disease and providing cure and care.
Author: Ilina Doykova
- Teacher: Ilina Doykova
When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.
(Ayurvedic proverb)
Authors: Anișoara Pop, Adrian Năznean
George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureș
- Teacher: Adrian Naznean
- Teacher: Anisoara Pop